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Can I get a bank loan / bond to build a Straw Bale house?

As far as Bank financing goes....you may have a problem. While it is possible to get the councils to approve your plans for straw bale or adobe, it is a different matter when it comes to the Banks. The bank requires you to register with the NHBRC, which in return does not approve of natural building technologies.

The loophole is to finance through extending the bond on another property...or build a starter house in conventional material ...i.e. a bathroom/service core, which is generally safer in conventional masonry anyway, passing this first phase as a finished new house. Then with this complete and signed off by the NHBRC, you then proceed with the rest of you house as an alteration, for which you do not need NHBRC registration.


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"E-WIRE" lights by Andy Horn

The Eco Design lighting range is made from local or recycled materials. Standing Floor Lamps, Desk Lamps, Pendant Lights and Chandeliers are available. The lamp stands are from locally moon phase harvested alien timber. Recycled car parts are used as bases. Various paper shades & low energy LED light bulbs provide good lighting and create a beautiful atmosphere.

Click here for more info & prices.


We offer a number of construction & info manuals on our website on natural building technologies which specifically refer to the South African context. The info manual "A LIME DUNG PLASTER RECIPE" has recently been added to the collection.   Click here for more information.

All our manuals are also now available as E-Book downloads. Click here for the E-Books.