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Bottled Walls / Windows
The most famous local bottle wall constructions can be found at the owl house in New Bethesda and were built over 60 years ago.
Recycling waste reduces landfill.
Additional jobs can be created on site.
Bottles can be used to create beautiful patterns of light.
The walls create good insulation.
Technical information:
The tapered ends of bottles are cut off and taped end to end so as form a sealed tube of glass.
To cut the bottles, typically bottles are first marked with a tile or glass cutter and then subjected to thermal shock to break the heads off the tops of the bottles.
Alternately jars can be used and placed over the neck of the bottle, or 2 jars joined together to avoid having to cut the glass.
The tubes are stacked in a pattern and either set in cob, lime or cement.
Lime and white cement are more effective at reflecting light through the glass.
Tinfoil or waste material with a reflective surface can be wrapped around to further enhance the quality of light.
Company Track record/examples of work:
House Olivier, Kromme Valley Farm, Clan William, 2019
Yiza Ekhaya Soup Kitchen – Kuyasa, 2015
House Ndumiso Dlamini, Lyndock Eco Village, Stellenbosch, Western Cape 2013
House Eglin, 2009 – 2011, Gqnube Green Eco Village, East London
House Sidler - Milnerton Cape Town, 2006
House Brodie - Scarborough, Cape Peninsular, 2003
House Patience – Greyton, Cape Province, 2002
House Lijnes - Noordhoek Cape Peninsular, 2001